| Deacon Tony Walker
The Deacon will Lead the Church in the achievement of its spiritual & gospel mission; proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers; visit the members, care for the sick, widows, needy and distressed members of the Church, and shall be actively involved in the Church's visitation program.
| Deaconess Annie C. Jackson
The Deacon will Lead the Church in the achievement of its spiritual & gospel mission; proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers; visit the members, care for the sick, widows, needy and distressed members of the Church, and shall be actively involved in the Church's visitation program.
| Trustee Chair, Stacy Bryant Brown
The Board's mission is to support the spiritual and ministerial goals and objectives of the Church body by providing sound and reasonable financial management that promotes long-term financial stability for all the Church's desired activities. In addition, the Board ensures God's house is maintained in divine order administratively, legally, and structurally.
| Minister of Music, Virginia Peacock-Makkers
The Minister of Music will plan, organize and lead the music ministry; rehearse the Adult Choir weekly; lead and direct the various components of the music programs including the choir(s), vocal, instruments and other expressions of musical experience; teach, coach and mentor all music ministry team members to become lifelong learners with respect to their musical talents as well as their spiritual development. Promote fellowship within and help recruit new volunteers into the music ministry; practice discipleship through inspiring and engaging music ministry.
| Church Clerk, Name Here
Church clerk is entirely responsible for all forms and records, including documents for transferring or dismissing members, signup papers, disbursements and balance sheets, vouchers, receipts, baptism certificates and lists of committees, and is expected to attend business meetings and notify the members of dates and times; to document the proceedings, including all approved church business transactions. The clerk will then present a record of these minutes to the group at the next meeting.