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Zion Baptist Church
Bible Study 

"A New Step Forward!"


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ID: 88936555373##


2024 Summer Bible Study
Twelve of Jesus’ Parables in the New Testament

  1. The Parable of the Soils                                                 July 10      Rev. Cheryl
    Matthew 13:3–23Mark 4:1–20Luke 8:4–15)
  2. The Mustard Seed                                                           July 17      Rev. Adrienne
    Matthew 13:31–32Mark 4:30–32Luke 13:18–19)
  3. Yeast/Leaven (Matthew 13:31–32)                             July 24      Rev. Adrienne
  4. Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44)                                  July 31          Rev. Ngozi
  5. Valuable Pearl (Matthew 13:45–46)                                 Aug  7          Rev. Ngozi
  6. The Growing Seed (Mark 4:26–29)                             Aug 14       Min. Brenda
  7. The Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35)               Aug 21         Rev. Cheryl
  8. The Two Debtors (Luke 7:41–43)                                   Aug 28
  9. The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30–37)                        Sept  4
  10. Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:12–14(Luke 15:4–7)       Sept 11         Sis. Leilani 
  11. Lost Coin (Luke 15:8–10)                                          Sept 18       Min. Brenda
  12. The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11–32)                            Sept 25         Rev. Ngozi

               Click link to join Zoom Meeting


Questions to Ask Yourself

Happy moments, 
Praise God.
Difficult moments, Seek God.
Quiet moments, Worship God.
Painful moments, Trust God.
Every moment, Thank God.

2 Corinthians 13:11

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Lynn, Ma 01902
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Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton, Pastoral Coordinator
Rev. Andre K. Bennett, Youth Pastor

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